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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monavie is the best thing you can have in your life

Monavie’s acai berry juice contains the highest antioxidant fruit on the planet, the brazillian acai berry. The acai berry is full of antioxidants which protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals create a process in our bodies called oxidation, which is the central cause of the aging process in the body and cellular degeneration. High antioxidant fruits, such as the acai berry, give our bodies the protection it needs to function the right way and also helps slow down the process of oxidation. The more antioxidants you provide your body, the healthier you will become. Monavie’s acai berry juices are among the top juices in the health and wellness industry. Monavie is also the fastest growing company ever to reach 1 billion dollars. Monavie’s juice products are creating quite the stir among everyone from athletes, talk show hosts, and celebrities. Just turn on the tv, search the Internet, or go to the grocery store and you will see acai berry products everywhere. Everyone is raving about acai, and Monavie’s acai berry juice is among the top juices that you can buy. Let’s take a look at Monavie in more detail.

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