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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

TidyTweets Can Help You In Twitter

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  1. Drinking 4oz. of Monavie a day will give you more than double the 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day that the FDA recommends you eat. It will cost you only $4-$5 a day if you drink the recommended 4 oz. a day of Monavie. That’s a tremendously low cost to get your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That’s the equivalent price of a couple coffees per day, and your body will love you alot more for drinking Monavie instead.

  2. Even though you can purchase acai in a variety of forms and prices, you aren’t always getting what you pay for. Just because something is cheaper doesn’t mean it’s better. If you want to receive all the true benefits that acai offers, you need to purchase acai products that are freeze dried. Modern science has documented that freeze drying the acai berry is the best way to capture it’s vital nutrients. Monavie has an exlusive freeze drying patent on their premium juice blends, which is why they are the premier acai berry juice company in the industry.

  3. Acai has a tremendous amount of benefits. It’s full of antioxidants, phytonutrients, trace minerals, amino acids, and vitamins.

    MonaVie’s freeze-dried acai has a higher ORAC score than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, boasting an antioxidant capacity more than 15 times higher than blueberries and more than 20 times higher than raspberries


NDA Door to Door marketing services has the solutions helping small to midsize businesses market themselves.

While not a new concept, door to door marketing has proven to be an important part of the marketing mix for businesses in the retail and “Business to Consumer” sectors, especially during recessions where advertising and marketing budgets are being reevaluated, and business owners want to get a better return on their marketing investments.

“We fell in love with the idea of adding door to door marketing as a fresh alternative to direct marketing.


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